Just a Mind Game – Collect and Connect


You know what an unconscious mind is, if you don’t then you can visit this link.

So, why do I need you know what is an unconscious mind is? Because I want to tell you that the unconscious mind is the king which rules you. Changing this state of mind is a really difficult task. The more an act is unconscious the greater the time needed to change it.

The trick lies here:

Pick up something out of the king state – bring it into a sphere of awareness – finally use it – and use it in the nick of that very moment.

All you young marketers should know this:

Marketing is all about changing people’s behaviour. There is so much in behavioural economics that can be picked up and applied by marketers. It allows us to take a larger perspective of marketing through human behaviour.

Just a very small example to convey to you the message:

In Australia, water consumption was cut dramatically by simply printing the average consumption figure for his street on an individual’s water bills. The idea to consume less water was sold in a very simple manner of picking up and targeting the human behaviour of perceiving things that are scarce at a higher value.

If you pick up marketing textbooks such as Philip Kotler’s Principles of Marketing – upon which recent generations of marketers have been weaned – you will find the same behaviourist psychology.

He has an illustration showing “marketing and other stimuli” entering the consumer’s head (labelled “the buyer’s black box”) and coming out the other side as the “buyer’s response”. The accompanying text explains:

“The central question for marketers is: how do consumers respond to various marketing efforts the company might use? The starting point is the stimulus-response model shown Marketing and other stimuli enter the consumer’s ‘black box’ and produce certain responses. Marketers must figure out what is in the buyer’s black box.”

Take any modern theory of marketing you like and look at its inner workings and assumptions. Tell me if you can find a theory of marketing or advertising that doesn’t take behaviourist stimulus-response assumptions as its starting point.

I would like to conclude by saying that all of us will have to issue this stimulus some day. Be it a brand message, an emotional association, a unique selling point or a promotional incentive. In order to get the desired response from the buyer you are targeting, its you who will provide this stimulus.

It will take time to think and work out the mind game (within the consumers) to achieve our ambition of marketing and selling our ideas; but think what it can mean to your firm in profits if you can condition ten million children to grow up as adults trained to buy your products as soldiers are trained to advance when they hear the trigger words ‘forward march’.


The above article is written by Zalak Shah, a student at MPSTME. Connect with her on her facebook page and twitter page.